Drinking more water is something that most of us struggle with…unless you are someone who just naturally love to drink water.(If you’re a natural water lover, PLEASE teach me your ways).
All my life I have pretty much struggled with drinking enough water and staying hydrated, and I never really got myself into a habit of drinking water consistently.
And trust me, I know firsthand that it can be very hard to incorporate that into a daily lifestyle when you aren’t used to it.
I have put together a list some of the best tips for drinking more water that I have found to help me increase my daily water intake as well as helpful tips that I have learned from others to make drinking water not so awful.
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7 Ways to Drink More Water Everyday
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What does drinking more water do for you?
Drinking more water promotes healthy skin
It’s no secret that water helps promote healthy, clear, and glowing skin. (Something that we all strive for.) Water flushes out unnecessary toxins and Bacteria that are commonly known to cause breakouts and acne.
I can really tell a difference in my skin after not drinking lots of water and drinking water regularly throughout the day.
It is important to know that if you do have acne and breakouts, water is not always the end-all-be-all cure. However, making sure your skin is hydrated can help limit unnecessary break outs that are caused by bacteria and dehydration.
Increasing your water intake can help you lose weight
Naturally when we don’t get enough water into our system our body sort of holds onto any bit of water that it can get. This leads to excess water weight making you feel heavier and more bloated than you really are.
Drinking more water can boost your mood
It has been proven that dehydration can be linked to depression, anxiety, and sadness. When you keep your body hydrated Your brain is able to function better and keep your emotions balanced.
Related: 31 Mood-Boosting Daily Habits That Will Change Your Life
When is the best time to drink water during the day?
First thing in the morning
After sleeping all night, our body has gone without water for seven to eight hours, and it is in need of a good rehydration.
I make it a habit to keep a bottle or glass of water by my bed every night. That way when I wake up it’s the first thing that I grab.
Also because I’m kind of too lazy to get up in the middle of the night and run to the fridge when I’m thirsty. #lazygirlprobs.
Related: How to Become a Morning Person: 10 Tips For Waking Up Early
Right before a meal
Drinking water right before a meal is a good habit to get into that helps you control your portions when you eat. Filling yourself up with water helps you to eat less and leaves you feeling satisfied.
When you are feeling hungry
Our bodies and minds will sometimes play tricks on us and make us think that we’re hungry when really we’re actually super dehydrated and our body is thirsty. So before you go grab your bag of potato chips out the pantry, grab a glass of water!
7 Genius Tips to Drink More Water
Get a timed water bottle
Getting a timed water bottle seriously changed my life. I bought one for under $20 from Amazon, and drinking water has never been the same since. There’s just something about looking at the times on a water bottle that makes me feel motivated to drink that amount of water by that time.
Set reminders on your phone
You might find it helpful to set regular reminders on your phone to remind yourself to drink water. You can set them and intervals either 30 minutes or every hour. If you’re like me and always forget to drink water, this will help you to remember to drink ya water!
Flavor your water
Flavored water is always a go-to of mine. Especially when I’m not feeling the taste of just plain water. I like to either squeeze some fresh lemon juice in my water or infuse it with mint and some sort of fruit.
I also enjoy those Crystal Light packets that you can get from Walmart for like $3 whenever I’m feeling something a little more juice related.
Dilute other drinks with water
If you just can’t bring yourself to give up your Diet Coke, I feel your pain. Try diluting your favorite sugary drinks with water. For example you could do 70% water 30% your drink of choice.
There was a lady who worked with me who would get a gallon water bottle and fill it with one can of Sprite and then fill the rest of it with water. She just had to have her soda. If you find yourself struggling to let go of your soda, you may want to give this a try.
Set daily goals for yourself
I am a huge goal-setter and I really can’t do anything without setting goals for myself. If you are a tried-and-true goal-setter as well, you might find it helpful to daily water intake goals for yourself.
Opt for sparkling water
Sparkling water is always a hit because it sort of resembles soda in a way. You still get that carbonated vibe going on with good flavors without the unnecessary sugar and calories.
I’ve never been a huge sparkling water fan personally, but I know a lot of people who love it and almost drink it in place of regular water.
I wouldn’t recommend limiting yourself to only sparkling water. I still think there should be a good balance between regular water and sparkling water, but incorporating it into your daily water intake can be beneficial.
Eat foods that are high in water
Another way you can increase your daily water intake is by eating foods that have a high water content. Foods such as lettuce, watermelon, strawberries, celery, oranges, and pretty much the majority of fruits and veggies that you eat have a natural high water content.
I try to incorporate large amounts of fruits and veggies into every single one of my meals to help balance out my water intake and increase it throughout the day without even trying!
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