Most people have grown to hate mornings, and I was once one of those people.
But I have learned to live for mornings and now it is honestly my favorite time of the day.
Mornings are my calm before the storm of life hits me everyday.
With consistent effort, you too will be able to change your life with a morning routine catered to you and your needs.
1. Rise before the sun does
I’m sure you’ve all heard this a million times before.
I bet some of you are thinking that waking up early can’t make that much of a difference.
I’m here to tell you that I was once that person and I am also here to tell that yes, it does make a significant difference in the quality of your day and the quality of your life overall.
When you wake up early, you have a head start on the rest of the world, use this time to do things that matter.
2. Spend 5-10 minutes praying, visualizing, or meditating
This is YOUR time and you can make it your own.
During this time, your mind will be open, clear and free of unnecessary distractions.
3. Write in your journal
Use time to to write out your gratitude list, simple journaling, prayers, etc.
This is your time to connect with yourself so make it your own and have fun with it!
4. Create your to do list
Create a detailed to-do list equipped with specific times to complete each task.
Make sure any dreaded or big task that will take up a lot of time is done first thing in the morning.
Your mind is fresh during this time and you will be more likely to complete all of your tasks for the day.
5. Work on your goals
Use this time to work on your short term and even long term goals.
Write your action plan for the day that includes the steps you will be taking to reach your goal.
6. Eat breakfast
I know, it’s hard.
But trust me, it will make such a difference in the quality of your day.
Now, I don’t do this every morning.
However, I can definitely see a difference in the days that I do take the time to eat breakfast.
How has incorporating a morning routine into your life everyday changed you?
Do you have any special rituals you recommend?
I would love to read them in the comments!
It’s really nice to get through the routines and will try to follow up.