How you view the “success” of your day can all come down to how productive you were.
Having a productive day doesn’t always mean how many things you can get done.
A productive day is based on how effectively you used your time.
Many of us believe there are simply not enough hours in the day to get everything done.
But, the truth is with a little strategic planning, you will be able use your time wisely and have an overall successful day
These 5 tips will show you how to plan for a productive day.
1. Write down EVERYTHING
When you keep everything you have to do crammed inside of your head, you are bound to forget something.
No matter how big or small, keeping your tasks in your head can be a terrible strategy.
Before you start your official to-do list in your planner, jot down your tasks on a piece of paper.
When you can see everything clearer, placing everything in time slots and categories in your planner will be much easier.
2. Plan the night before.
If you know you will be having a busy day, it is better to plan your day the night before.
When I know I have a lot of things to do, I can get extremely stressed out before the day even gets here.
However, I found when I take the time to plan my super busy the days the night before it relives the stress and calms me down.
This is helpful because it allows you to be able to go into your morning already knowing what you have to and almost makes it easier to get things done.
3. Be specific
It helps to be specific when writing out the things you have to do for the day.
For example, instead of saying “Work on Blog” try to say the specific your doing such as “Write “How to Plan Your Day” Blog Post” or “Design Pins For Blog Post”
It has been scientifically proven that if you write down exactly what you are supposed to be doing, you will be more likely to complete the task.
4. Do your biggest/longest/most difficult task first.
When you wake up in the morning your mind is fresh and ready to work.
This is the prime time to get the hard tasks out the way.
Your mind is clear and hasn’t been cluttered with problems, worries and distractions.
The rush I get from completing a task makes me want to complete more and when I knock out the task that I am most not looking forward too, it makes completing the rest of my to-do list easy as a breeze.
5. Cross off your tasks as you go
Nothing beats the feeling of crossing off an item on your to-do list.
Crossing off items of your to-do list is an empowering feeling and motivates you to want to cross off more and more.
Planning for a productive day isn’t as hard as might think.
With practice and intentional effort, every day will successful and productive.
Making a to-do list and planning out your days even if you don’t have a lot to do will help give you a sense of purpose throughout your day.
I challenge you to make a to-do list and using your planner every day and see how it affects your life.
Do you have any tips and tricks on how to plan a productive day? I would love to read them in comments and try them out for myself!
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