Some people may say how you start the beginning of your week is the key to having a productive week. However, I strongly how you prepare for the week is the key to having a productive and amazing week.
In this post, I will be sharing with you 7 things to do on Sunday to prepare for the week and to prepare to have a productive week.
Which in turn, allows you to have an amazing week (because who doesn’t like to get things done, am I right?). Sundays are what you make them, so why not make them the best day of the week?
Start improving your week, and the weeks to come, with these 7 Sunday habits that will change your life around!
Start your day early
I am all for Sunday being a chill day, however, I still find that waking up between 7-8 AM (I usually wake up between 5-6 AM) gives me a break from my normal wake time and leaves me refreshed.
When you allow yourself to get up early on Sundays your day will more than likely feel longer and you will have more time to get things done.
I also like to start my day early so I can just knock everything I have to do out in the morning and have the rest of the day to myself (we will talk about this a little bit later).
Do all of your laundry
If you are a procrastinator (like me), doing laundry can be a never-ending struggle. Like seriously, by the time I’m done washing all of my clothes (which can take me 2 days, don’t judge me) and folding and putting them up (which can take another 2 days, again, don’t judge me) it’s time for me to start washing AGAIN! And then the cycle is never-ending. Does anyone else hate doing laundry, or is it just me?
So ladies, in 2020 we are doing ALL of our laundry on Sundays so that we all will have a productive week.
Not only will this eliminate the burden of doing laundry throughout the week, but all of your favorite items (like your favorite pair of leggings) will also be clean and ready to wear for the new week! It’s a win-win.
If it takes you a while to do laundry like me, you can even start on Friday, that way when you get to Sunday, all you have to do is fold it up and put it away!
Plan out your entire week
This is one of my favorite things to do on Sunday. If you are a crazy planner like me, this might come easy to you. If you’re not, I promise you this will change your life!
When you are making a plan for the week, it will help eliminate the well-known feeling of there not being enough time in the day to get everything done. I am here to tell you that there IS DEFINITELY enough time in the day to complete all of your important tasks. It all comes down to how you utilize and manage your time.
Sit down on Sunday and write out everything you have to do for the upcoming week. Now, there will be things that can pop up unexpectedly during the week, because life happens.
However, when you already have a plan set beforehand, it will be 10x easier to manage those surprises and work them into your schedule while not throwing the entire schedule down the drain.
Also Read: How to Prepare For a Productive Week
Practice self care
When I was younger, people would ask me what my favorite day of the week was. I would say the typical answers on Friday or Saturday. However since I have gotten older, Sundays have become my favorite day of the week.
Sunday is the day that I consider my “me” day. Every Sunday, I am able to focus on ME. Whether that be just relaxing all day and watching movies, or working on my blog, I am choosing what I want to do with my time.
It is important to set aside one day to be completely selfish with your time and do what is important to you. If that day can’t be Sunday, pick another day.
When we are constantly go-go-go on work obligations and on the time of others, it can be easy to get burnt out. So, I encourage you to make Sunday (or one other day) YOUR me day.
Clean & organize your space
Going into a new week with the same clutter from the last can be a downer.
Allow Sunday to be your day you tidy up your space.
Having an unorganized and unclean space can promote unproductiveness (which is the exact opposite of what we are trying to do here).
However, when your space is clean and organized, other areas of your life will fall into place as well. This can include a boost in your mood, productiveness, and improved focus.
Catch up on unfinished work
If I have had a crazy week, I will typically dedicate Sunday to be my catch-up day. There is nothing worse than going into a new week with the tasks of the past week. It’s time to let go of the “I’ll do it Monday” attitude because lets be honest: does it ever really get done on Monday?
Now, when I catch up on work on Sunday’s I am not in worker-bee mode. I take it slow and go at my own pace. I will typically do all of my work in the morning because that is when I am the most focused, but you don’t have to.
Do whatever works best for you and your schedule. As long as you are making sure that you are catching up on your unfinished work on Sunday to prepare for the week ahead, you are golden!
Also Read: 31 Daily Habits That Will Improve Your Day
Plan your meals
Taking the time to plan your meals before the week will save you so much time. It is truly a lifesaver when getting ready for the week.
Not only does it give you a plan for grocery shopping, but it can also save you so much money! I can’t count how many times I just ordered take-out because I didn’t know what to cook.
By taking the time on Sunday to plan my meals I am able to budget better and still have room to through some take-out meals without overdoing it and breaking my budget.
7 Sunday Habits For a Better Week
I really hope you enjoyed these healthy Sunday habits! When I started making the most out of my Sundays, my life truly turned around. There is no need to dread Sunday, when you can really make it the best day of your week!
When go into anything with a plan and clear head whether that be your week, your job, a date, ANYTHING, it makes the experience 10x better.
Do you have any Sunday habits that you have added to your routine? I would love to read them.
I totally can understand where your coming from with the laundry and procrastinating. I will be sure to try some of these out tomorrow and see how productive I am. thank you so much for taking the time to write this I really think this will help me!
Ugh laundry is seriously the worst, I’m so glad I am not the only one! I am so glad I could help girl!