9 Things You Should Do Everyday to Make Life Easier
Within the craziness of everyday life, anything that you can do to relieve the stress helps tremendously- no matter how small. I have put together a list of 9 things that you should everyday to make your life easier.
We only have about 16 hours everyday to get everything done, and while that may seem like a lot of time, it really isn’t. After reading this blog post I hope to have convinced you that doing less is more and even the smallest things that we do on a day to day basis can make all the difference.
I hope you enjoy!
Wake up when your alarm goes off
It can be so tempting to just roll over and hit the snooze button when your alarm clock goes off in the morning. We are all probably guilty of doing it at some point throughout the week; and possibly everyday.
I was the type of person who would set 2 or 3 alarms before I had to get up to give myself time to wakeup. At least that is what I thought I was doing.
It turns out that there is significant evidence that proves that waking up then going back to sleep actually makes you even more tired. Crazy right? This whole time I truly believed that I was helping myself out, but instead, I was just making things worse!
I encourage you to break the well known habit of hitting the snooze button when your alarm goes off.
Make a to-do list
Making a to-do list can literally make or break your day…and i’m not joking.
How many times have you had something extremely important to do and have forgotten to do it? I can’t even count on my fingers the amount of times that has happened to me.
I used to think I could remember everything. However, when you have so many things going on, you are bound to leave something behind.
To-do lists allow you to free your brain by writing down your tasks instead of trying remember it all. This also allows you to have room for other important things in your life.
Establish a skincare routine
Creating a daily skincare routine for yourself is such an important step to add to your daily routine that we often times neglect.
Having a freshly washed faced in the morning and at night is one of the best feelings. Your skincare routine doesn’t have to be anything fancy and you don’t need to have expensive skincare products for your skincare routine effective!
All you need is a good cleanser, toner, moisturizer, and you’re golden!
Also read: 30 Self Care Ideas to Add to Your Self Care Routine
Set 3 goals everyday
Let’s face it, life can get crazy at times. With this craziness, it can easy to neglect important projects or even just things that are important to us.
Everyday I want you to write down 3 things you want to accomplish everyday. It doesn’t matter how big or small. As long as it is something that is important to you or an important obligation.
By writing down your goals, you will be more likely to accomplish them and it will inspire you to want to accomplish more.
Also Read: How to Effectively Set Goals and Accomplish More
Wear something that you love
When I wear my favorite outfit or a new outfit, I feel as if I am on top of the world. I mean seriously, my self confidence skyrockets.
By wearing something that makes you feel good on the inside, you will feel better on the outside. According to Reader’s Digest, we dress how we’d like to feel or how we’d like others to think we’re feeling.
If you are trying to get into the habit of working out in the morning, throw on your favorite workout outfit. If you are trying to have a productive day at home, wear your favorite comfy/cute athleisure outfit. The possibilities are endless!
Set out your outfits the night before
The best outfits are made the night before, not the morning of when you are rushing.
You can not only save time in the morning by planning out your outfits the night before, but you also plan better outfits!
Give someone a compliment
Giving others compliments not only makes them feel better, it in turn makes you feel better.
When you are having a bad, the last thing possibly on your mind is giving a compliment to someone else.
According to Lifehack, giving others genuine complements does 5 things for us:
- It takes the focus off of you
- Sparks creativity
- Builds trust
- Promotes positivity to come back into your life
- They are free to give out
I challenge you to give at least one person that you come in contact with a compliment every single day and watch how it will change your life around.
Plan your meals for the week
After a long day of classes and/or work, the last thing you want to have to worry about is what you are going to have to fix for dinner.
I don’t know about you, but I dread having to come home and think about what I am going to have for dinner. As a result, I usually will just order something out to eat so I can avoid having to think about it (which is completely unhealthy).
I have found that planning and even prepping my meals on Sunday helps me to make healthier eating choices and relieves my stress throughout the week.
Find “me time” throughout the day
With my busy school, work, and blogging schedule, I often times find myself in “go go go” mode around the clock. While it is good that I am getting things done throughout the day, I frequently fall victim to burn out. It happens every 2 weeks or so and kills my vibe.
To counter act this process, I make sure that I am finding 1-2 hours a day to myself. Sometimes it is 1 hour in the middle of the day and then 1 hour before bed. Other times I give myself 2 hours before bed to shut everything off and just focus on myself.
During this time I will either read, study my bible, watch youtube videos, or a show on Netflix.
You don’t have to neglect yourself or your guilty pleasures in order to get things done.
Prioritize and manage your time effectively throughout the day so that you can reward yourself at the end.
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